January 1 to 9 = symbol dog
January 10 to 24 = symbol rat
January 25 to 31 = symbol of the lion
February 1 to 5 = symbol cat
February 6 to 14 = symbol pigeon
February 15 to 21 = symbol tortoise
February 22 to 28 = symbol panther
March 1 to 12 = symbol monkey
March 13 to 15 = symbol of the lion
March 16 to 23 = symbol rat
March 24 to 31 = symbol cat
April 1 to 3 = symbol dog
April 4 to 14 = symbol panther
April 15 to 26 = symbol rat
April 27 to 30 = symbol tortoise
May 1 to 13 = symbol monkey
May 14 to 21 = symbol pigeon
May 22 to 31 = symbol of the lion
June 1 to 3 = symbol rat
June 4 to 14 = symbol tortoise
June 15 to 20 = symbol dog
June 21 to 24 = symbol monkey
June 25 to 30 = symbol cat
July 1 to 9 = symbol rat
July 10 to 15 = symbol dog
July 16 to 26 = symbol pigeon
July 27 to 31 = symbol cat
August 1 to 15 = symbol monkey
August 16 to 25 = symbol rat
August 26 to 31 = symbol tortoise
September 1 to 14 = symbol pigeon
September 15 to 27 = symbol cat
September 28 to 30 = symbol dog
October 1 to 15 = symbol monkey
October 16 to 27 = symbol tortoise
October 28 to 31 = symbol panther
November 1 to 16 = symbol of the lion
November 17 to 30 = symbol cat
December 01-16 = symbol dog
December 17-25 = symbol monkey
December 26-31 = symbol pigeon
You are someone who is loyal and sweet, about never doubt your loyalty. You are honest and sincere people wherever you are.
You are very simple, and does not like things complicated. You sociable and humble, so many people depend on you.
You have good taste in choosing clothes, but not someone who wasteful. You popular, and have close friends who are very good to you.
Actually, quite contrary to your nature symbols. Lion depicted as a fierce king of the jungle, but you are someone who loves peace. You are always trying to figure out the best way to avoid disagreements. You prefer outdoor activities.
You were born as a leader and very thoughtful. Treat everyone as you love yourself. Even so, you are also happy to note and loved others.
You people are spoiled and often shy. As a person, you've got a funny look adorable and so many people love to be around you. You like quiet, so fond of traveling to the wild.
You are also people who like the look neat so many kinds of clothes you have. Basically you are friendly, but you prefer to be in the midst of people who are close to you.
You are a perfectionist and caring. When you do good, then the aura around you will be warmed, and affect everyone there. You people are sincere and not demanding consideration when helping someone.
You people are candid and not like talking behind others. Like the way you treat people, but they will not necessarily treat the same.
For you, life motto is giving and giving and loving. You people who see things from a practical-practical course that your life is rarely burdened problems.
You are the one who is always trying to enjoy life and cheerful. Even around you grieve, you who will try to comfort her. You are a leader who knows how to entertain people in times of need. You do not like hypocrisy and will strive for what it is.
You are very neat and organized in terms of jobs, do not like to see things messy and very easy to fall in love.
You are mysterious and tend to be quiet. However you save greatness as always can deal with the problem easily. Charisma that you have a very large so it fits when he became leader.
Like all things should be run neat as you desire, and this is what sometimes makes you so unpopular people. Even so, you really like to help others in need.
You are very impatient and demanding that all things can be realized as you desire. Actually you the simple and loving hell, but you are a perfectionist.
You have a unique personality and had a sixth sense that is very strong and sensitive. If you can prevent things from the beginning, then your life will not be much of a problem, because you easily dragged into the controversy.
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