GEMINI & ARIES : This is one of a matching pair . You both have a high energy , thirst for adventure and spontaneity . Desire , this pair can run .
GEMINI & TAURUS : This is not a good relationship for the Bull . Lack of routine do you have to make the sad lover 's stability . You will see the Taurean too barren with your hobby and will tend to fail at the beginning of the relationship .
GEMINI & GEMINI : You can get a good time but you rarely stay together unless you meet as adults once . Usually due to a lack of direction , but you can get an incredible time together .
GEMINI & CANCER : Son months too moody and sensitive for you . You're not a person who likes a home like the Crab . You have completely different interests with Cancer .
GEMINI & LEO : It's not a bad relationship . You two are complementary . Generous lion will submit to whatever you desire as long as you can flirt with praise .
GEMINI & VIRGO : It's not the best relationship , Virgo is a practical look at you as an irregular and careless . You on the other hand do not think that Virgoan know when to have fun .
GEMINI & LIBRA : Relationships are interesting , but unfortunately not the old ending . The scales look very hard to live in instability and melodrama that you strive for. This relationship is usually short , hot and sweet .
GEMINI & SCORPIO : Scorpio jealous tendency is very unlikely you face . Carelessness and white lies you will drive the Scorpion getting away with you .
GEMINI & SAGITTARIUS : This relationship can run , but you both love traveling so that you may not spend enough time together . You both tend to leave your fate to make this relationship at risk .
GEMINI & CAPRICORN : Not Good . The Goats were too ambitious and too regular for you . You have entirely different priorities in love and life .
GEMINI & AQUARIUS : Best Alliance , you are both very pure and like varieties . It brings an exciting time for couples . Maybe not the pair that ended a long but very meaningful fought .
GEMINI & PISCES : Insecurity usually will ruin a relationship . It can be a combination of extreme emotion . Unique , destructive , but desire will end in pain and disbelief .
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